سيسليا ولوتش
ترجمة د أنور غني الموسوي
لقد غادرتُ
وطن المطر الى وطن التفاح . ليس لديّ وقت كثير . لقد اخبرتً حبيبي ان يرتدي برنسه
. وحذاءه الكاوبوي . قد يضع قطعة سوداء كاللص فوق عينيه الحادتين .
حقائبي مليئة بالملح ، ما يجعلها ثقيلة و صعبة الحمل . بيوت سقطتْ ، وجه ٌ اولا ، نحو الطين عند جرف البحر . سريعا فكرتُ و كانت يداي مثل الطيور. لا يمكنها ان تمسك شيئا . ندى ريشيٌّ .
بعدها شجرة بيضاء أزهرت فوق السرير ، كلّ بيضاء قد أزهر ، شجرة مطلية . ( يا )
تعجبا انا قلت ، أو أنّ حبي قال ذلك لي. نحن نريد أن نكون بشراً ، دوما ، و مرة
اخرى ، لذلك كنا نجثو كأطفال عند الصلاة ، بينما
أمهاتنا البائسات يسكتننا . هالة من النحل . لقد كنت أحلم باقصى ما يمكنني أن
أحلم . كان شيئا سريعا ، كيف نضج التفاح و
سقط . الوطن الذي نهض ليلقاني كان حاداً
كمرآة . صنارة ذهبية سطعتْ .
Postcard to I. Kaminsky from a Dream
at the Edge of the Sea (1)
Cecilia Woloch
I was leaving
a country of rain for a country of apples. I hadn’t much time. I told my
beloved to wear his bathrobe, his cowboy boots, a black patch like a pirate
might wear over his sharpest eye. My own bags were full of salt, which made
them shifty, hard to lift. Houses had fallen, face first, into the mud at the edge
of the sea. Hurry, I thought, and my hands were like birds. They could hold
nothing. A feathery breeze. Then a white tree blossomed over the bed, all white
blossoms, a painted tree. "Oh," I said, or my love said to me. We
want to be human, always, again, so we knelt like children at prayer while our
lost mothers hushed us. A halo of bees. I was dreaming as hard as I could
dream. It was fast—how the apples fattened and fell. The country that rose up
to meet me was steep as a mirror; the gold hook gleamed.
Cecilia Woloch ؛ Postcard
to I. Kaminsky from a Dream at( the Edge
of the Sea ؛ poets.org ) 2015) http://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poem/postcard-i-kaminsky-dream-edge-sea
2- Cecilia Woloch
Cecilia Woloch is an American poet,
writer and teacher, known for her work in communities throughout the U.S. and
around the world. She is an NEA fellowship recipient and the author of six
collections of poems, a novel, and numerous essays. Wikipedia